Second Balkans International Wine Competition and Festival (BIWC 2013) is scheduled for May 16-19, 2013 in Grand Hotel Sofia, Bulgaria
Dear lovers of Balkan wines,
We are pleased to announce that our second BIWC 2013 Competition is scheduled for May 16 (Thursday) & May 17 (Friday) (not open for public) while the BIWC 2013 Festival follows through on May 18 (Saturday) from 12:00 to 19:00 & May 19 (Sunday) from 12:00 to 18:00 (open for public) at Grand Hotel Sofia, Bulgaria.
Specialized Trade Tasting for the BIWC 2013 panel of judges, importers, buyers, distributors, wine journalists and bloggers is scheduled for May 18, 2013 (Saturday) from 11:00 to 13:00 also at Grand Hotel Sofia, Bulgaria.
Our Competition is dedicated to wines from the Southeastern Europe in order to draw attention of the global wine community. We have invited wine producers from each Balkan country to participate both at the Competition by sending samples of their best wines and at the Festival to showcase at Grand Hotel Sofia their great wines to the general public.
Last year, from June 14-17, 2012, we had almost 400 wines coming from 90 wineries originating from 9 countries submitted for BIWC 2012 Competition and furthermore around 60 wineries for BIWC 2012 Festival were presenting their wines to the local and international public at Grand Hotel Sofia. Our First Competition and Festival consequently created a great awareness among the global wine fraternity. We have successfully communicated our BIWC 2012 Competition results, created a Catalogue with relevant information for distributors and had extensive media coverage of these events.
With the entire infrastructure in place, encouraged with the great response to our project throughout last year, totally committed to further promotion and branding of Balkan wines, we are ready to organize a follow-up event continuing our generic promotion of Southeastern European wines. Some of the top global wine personalities will taste and judge the best wines of the Balkans and re-discover their unique character, richness and regional complexities. We have secured a great media coverage of the event through TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, web, local and global social networks and our message will undoubtedly be carried through.
Our ultimate goal is to continue our campaign of promotion of Balkan wines helping them find their way to the tables of the world’s wine-loving communities and earn their due share of the global wine market! Cheers to that!
Please follow all these exciting developments via our official website: www.balkanswine.eu
For more information, please contact Michaela Georgieva, BIWC Communication Manager on: pr@balkanswine.eu