Why the Balkans

THE BALKANS INTERNATIONAL WINE COMPETITION is a first of its kind. It celebrates the millennial wine-making tradition of the Balkan Peninsula as expressed in its modern Balkan wines – daily savored and loved by locals and more and more preferred by the wine lovers worldwide. Dedicated exclusively to regional wines, this annual competition – to take place at the heart of the Balkans, in Sofia, Bulgaria – aspires to draw the attention of the global wine community to the unique range of flavors that this interesting region has to offer. The competition is open to wine producers from all Balkan countries, from the Black sea region and from all over the world. The Balkan wine festival that will follow the competition is open to the  wine-loving public.

Why the Balkans?

  • The BALKANS can be proud of the most ancient wine history in the world
  • The Balkans local grape varieties are at least as rich as rich is the spirit of the people in the region
  • With nearly 1.8 million tons wine production per year, the BALKANS ranks 5th in the world, right after the largest wine producing countries – Italy, France, Spain and the USA
  • For the last decade the BALKANS mades ​​enormous progress in the quality of its wines and can stake its claims as a key player on the world wine map

Why participate?

  • THE BALKANS INTERNATIONAL WINE COMPETITION is a venue for world wine experts, Masters of Wine, wine merchants, and wine journalists and bloggers from the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Russia, India, the Scandinavian countries, Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands, among others.
  • THE BALKANS INTERNATIONAL WINE COMPETITION will host representatives of the global wine connoisseur elite. Some of the world’s most qualified and demanding palates will taste and judge the best wines of the Balkans, and discover their unique character, richness, and regional complexity.
  • THE BALKANS INTERNATIONAL WINE COMPETITION proves to be the most important instrument to promote the Balkan wines, to help them find their way to the tables of the world’s wine-loving community and earn their due share of the global wine market.
  • Great media coverage – TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, web, social networks from Bulgaria, the Balkans region and globally trade wine media will cover the 13th  edition of THE BALKANS INTERNATIONAL WINE COMPETITION.


Dates: 4-8 June 2024, Balkans International Wine Competition 2024,  Bulgaria/Turkey

20-22 June, Balkan Wine Festival 2024, Sofia, Bulgaria