Early Registration & Preferential Participation Rates
Register early to participate at 13th BIWCF 2024’s special discount rates!
All wine producers who register and submit proof of payment by or on 10 April 2024, will receive 2 discounts:
- 10 Euro off per entry for the Competition (80 instead of 90 Euro)
For thus who would like to participate in the Balkan Wine Festival, open air National Palace of Culture the discount is:
- 50 Euro off per stand (520 instead of 570 Euro)
For questions and further information, please contact us by e-mail at: info@balkanswine.eu
When completing the payment order, please write: “Proforma invoice N… Payment“.
Please note that all the bank costs and money transfer costs must be prepaid by the participants.
In order to reduce the cost of bank charges, we encourage you to make payments of fees for the Competition and Festival with one bank transfer.