Wine Diplomacy – The Balkans as the focus of the fourth Balkans International Wine Competition and Festival
The fourth edition of the Balkans Wine Competition and Festival (28-31 May, 2015)is to gather the Balkans’ wine diplomacy and result in establishing a united wine body called “Balkan Wine Chamber” (BWC) that is to protect the interests of the region’s wine producers, and build up good reputation of the oldest wine producing region in the world, said the forum director Galina Niforou.
The aims of the organizers that they have been pursuing for 4 years in a rownow, will be discussed at a special round table where thenew organization“Balkan Wine Chamber” will also be founded. The event will be attended by representatives of the branch organizations from Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia.
The establishment of “Balkan Wine Chamber” and the fourth edition of BIWC will be held under the auspices of OIV with the assistance of the Vine and Wine Executive Agency, the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the National Vine and Wine Chamber. This is one of the breaking newsin this year’s Balkans Wine Competition and festival agenda,being held with the purpose of proving to international business and the wine elite societythe possibilities for using wine diplomacy in bringing countries in the region closer to each other and branding the region as the oldest wine producing region in the world.
The competition part of BIWC2015 will be held on 28thand 29thMay2015 (Thurday and Friday) behind closed doors in Grand Hotel Sofia. The festival to follow, where one could taste Balkan wines along with other products typical for the Balkan countries, is scheduled for за 30thand 31stMay 2015 (Saturday and Sunday) in Grand Hotel Sofia garden.
The Balkan wine forum will be hosting the first tourism expo ever called Balkan flavors, dedicated to the hospitality and the great culinary heritage so typical of the Balkan Peninsula countries. The aim of Balkan flavors is to be recognized as the major channel for promoting high quality tourist attractions in the field of enogastronomy; to set up a B2B platform that is to bring together local entities offering culinary tourist attractions with representatives of the real world of business and to ensureall year round international recognition of exhibitors by promoting their products at one of the most renowned global tourism exhibitionsand social networks.
Developing the economic cooperation between the Balkan countries and the rest of the world isa crucial part of discovering and appreciating the Balkan wines and natural resources that are some of the major characteristics of the region. The fourth edition of the Balkans Wine Competition and festival will be used as a stepping stone for their international marketing.
For more details, please contact: eng. Galina Niforou, WineMBA
E–mail: niforou@balkanswine.eu